

Zu einer Fanmeile für Boote der Meter-Klassen lädt der New York Yacht Club ein. Und wir mit der 2.4mR sind dabei! Gehören wir doch als kleinste zu dieser feinen Gruppe von Segelyachten, zu denen auch die Sechser, Achter und Zwölfer zählen.

Aber natürlich wird auch gesegelt vom 9. bis 11. Juni 2017 in Newport, Rhode Island.

Newport Meterfest is an exciting new regatta for International Rule sailing yachts including 2.4mR, 6mR, 8mR and 12mRs. Three days of racing, hosted by New York Yacht Club, with support from Ida Lewis Yacht Club and Sail Newport, will be run in conjunction with NYYC’s Annual Regatta from June 9-11, 2017. Sail Newport will provide dockage for all of the boats at their Fort Adams facility, enabling both sailors and spectators to walk the docks and appreciate the formula designs from vintage through more modern boats up close. An opening social event, proximate to the docked fleet at Fort Adams, is scheduled for the evening of June 8. Regatta and Social event registration details for participants will follow. Admission for the public to walk the docks (before and after racing daily) will be free of charge.

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